Thursday 16th Nov. 2023
Seating dinner / Open seating
garden in Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau
Thursday 16th Nov. 2023
Seating dinner / Open seating
garden in Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau
Alliance Francaise de Macao will celebrate the world's most popular
French wine together with Artyzen Grand Lapa, FMCC,
and Classic Fine Foods.
Join us and enjoy a festive night with a live band, a French countryside open buffet and a free
flow of Beaujolais Nouveau!
Starters 前菜
Pâté en Croute Richelieu 法式肉派
Terrine Paté à l’Ancienne with Green Pepper 青椒鴨肉凍醬
Pork Rillettes 豬肉抹醬
Rosette Dry Sausage 百思達幹香腸
Chorizo 香腸
Cooked Ham 火腿
Coppa 高柏
Pickled 醃菜
Cornichons, baby onions pickles, semi-dried tomato 酸青瓜仔,珍珠洋蔥,半乾蕃茄
Mixed vegetables 雜菜
Olive 橄欖
Black kalamata, large queen, garlic-herb marinate 黑卡拉馬塔,大皇后,蒜味香草醃 制
Salads 沙律
Seared tuna niçoise salad 香煎吞那魚尼斯沙律
Black pepper crusted tuna tataki, olive, French beans 黑胡椒吞魚片,法邊豆
Potato, lettuce, tomato, anchovies in oil 薯仔,生菜,番茄,油浸鳳尾魚
French lemon dressing 法式檸檬醬
Conchiglie pasta salad 貝殼意麵沙律
spinach-walnut pesto, cherry tomatoes 菠菜核桃香蒜醬,番茄仔
French potato salad 法式仔薯沙律
New potato, celery, dill, parsley, pomery mustard 新薯,芹菜,蒔蘿,歐芹,芥末
Cheese table 芝士台
Selection of French cheeses 精選法國芝士
Condiments 配料
Green grapes, dried apricot, fig confit 青提子,杏乾,慢煮無花果
Apple-horseradish jam, lavender honey 蘋果辣根果醬,薰衣草蜂蜜
Toasted walnuts, caramel almonds, rosemary pecan nuts 烤核桃,焦糖杏仁,迷迭香山核桃
Flatbread, lava bread, water crackers 烤餅,莱佛煎饼,餅乾
Crostini’s, grissini 法式麵包片,麵包條
Soup (station, cooked to order) 湯
French seafood bouillabaisse 法式海鮮馬賽魚湯
Seabass, clams, mussels, shrimps, fennel 鱸魚,蛤,貽貝,蝦,茴香
Pernol, safflon 佩諾爾,番紅花
Hand-made rouille on baguette 法棍麵包番紅花蛋黃醬
Bread 麵包
French baguette, country bread 法棍麵包,鄉村麵包
D’isigny butter 依思尼無鹽牛油
Barbecue Grill (station, cooked upon request) 燒烤
Prime beef sirloin steaks 優質西冷牛排
Chipolata sausage 奇波拉塔香腸
Merguez sausage 梅爾格斯香腸
Marinated boneless chicken thighs 醃製去骨雞腿
BBQ pork spare ribs 燒排骨
King prawns 虎蝦
Salmon fillet 三文魚
Sauces 醬汁
Assorted mustards, hollandaise sauce 什錦芥末,荷蘭醬
home-made tomato BBQ sauce 自製番茄燒烤醬
Side dishes 配菜
French Fries 炸薯條
Ratatouille 普羅旺斯燉菜
Sautéed broccoli, garlic butter, toasted almond 香蒜牛油炒西蘭花,杏仁
Desserts 甜品
Raspberry clafoutis 覆盆子克拉芙提
Chocolate mousse served in martini glass, orange tuiles 馬丁尼朱古力慕斯,香橙薄脆
Apple-cranberry galette 蘋果蔓越莓餅
Crème caramel 焦糖奶油布
French fig tart 法式無花果撻
Fresh baked madeleines 鮮爐瑪德琳蛋糕
Assorted macaroons 什錦馬卡龍
Beverage 飲料
Beaujolais Nouveau 2023
Assorted soft drinks 各種汽水
coffee and tea 咖啡及茶
Beaujolais Nouveau is imported straight from France for this event!
Beaujolais nouveau is a "vin de primeur", a red wine made from Gamay grapes born in the region south of Burgundy, it is
produced and bottled only a few weeks after harvest and is meant to be consumed immediately, not aged.
Released only once a year,
French law forbids this light and fruity wine to be distributed before 12:01am, on the third Thursday of November each year.
Book your ticket directly here and
pay by bank transfer,
or at Alliance Francaise office by cash and e-payment only.
Call us at this number: +853 2896 5342 for any further information.
4F Travessa do bom Jesus
Phone: +853 2896 5342
Email us